Monday, December 10, 2012

Will Medigap Limits Cost You Money and Coverage?

As the debate over the debt ceiling, budget cuts, and economic stimulation wages on in Washington, DC, it's hard to escape the fact that Medicare is often "on the table" during almost all discussions regarding "deficit reduction." There are a range of proposals that would affect Medicare, but there are questions as to what those proposals will actually mean for beneficiaries. One federal deficit reduction plan would limit Medicare supplemental insurance (Medigap insurance) plans by restricting coverage of deductibles by those plans.

As with most arguments, those in agreement lock on to a set of positives, while those opposed turn to the negatives. So, let's take a look at both sides to try to get a clearer picture of who will benefit and who won't. By restricting Medigap coverage, the government could save money and reduce the debt. However, as a recent report on potential Medigap Limits points out, not all those who depend on Medicare and Medigap coverage will be able to make up for the added personal costs:

"...restricting coverage of deductibles by Medigap plans could save anywhere from $1.5 billion to $4.6 billion a year, depending on how much out-of-pocket expenses elderly beneficiaries would be required to pay." (from Reuters).

In fact, the study goes on to say that "about one in five Medigap enrollees would pay more." The hardest hit would most likely be families with a moderate income. Along with financial concerns, others are afraid that enrollees will simply pass up on healthcare treatment that they need in order to avoid the added cost. Those in support of the proposal insist that it will simply reduce unnecessary trips to the doctor and elective care.

There's very little question that changes to Medicare are on the horizon, which means Medigap coverage could also see changes. Many have taken the "wait and see" approach to it all, but it's a good idea to stay up-to-date on the latest proposals. After all, these potential changes to the system could change how you have to budget and how you have to look at healthcare.

About Medicare Supplement Insurance

Medicare Supplemental Insurance, or Medigap Insurance Plans, are not an alternative to traditional Medicare like Medicare Advantage Plans, but instead work with traditional Medicare. Also, Medigap Insurance Plans differ from Medicare Advantage Plans as they have no deductibles, no co-pays and no network restrictions as to where you can receive medical treatment.

It is important to note that Supplemental Insurance plans are standardized in most states. Which means that no matter which company that a Medicare Insurance beneficiary chooses for their Supplemental Insurance, the coverages on your health care will be the same from insurance company to insurance company.

Although, Medicare recipients can save hundreds of dollars on their Medigap Plans through their Medicare Supplement premium rates. Rates vary from company to company, so it is important that you contact a knowledgable agency (we like Medigap360) that can compare rates over all insurance companies and find you the best coverage with the lowest rates for your needs.

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4 Reasons Why You Need Solar Pool Panels

There are many reasons why people with pools should use solar pool panels. As everyone with a pool knows, it can be quite expensive to keep a warm and clean pool. Heating a pool can cost hundreds of dollars per month or more in many cooler areas. One of the best ways to lower this cost or even eliminate it is to install these specialized pool panels to take care of the heating.

1. Reduce or eliminate the need for a gas heater Solar pool panels use the energy from the light of the sun to heat the water and return it to the pool. In many areas of the country there is enough hot summer days to keep a pool warm enough to swim comfortably without ever having to use a gas powered heater.

2. Extend the amount of time you can keep the pool open each year Most people end up closing their pool for the winter earlier than they would like because it gets too cold to swim in it and it would be too expensive to heat it with a traditional natural gas heater. With solar panels, the heating of the water is virtually free so it makes it possible from a cost standpoint to keep the pool open longer. Even on colder days these panels can work to heat the water by capturing the energy from the sun and using it to provide consistent heat to the water.

3. Solar pool panels are easy to install Having the solar panels installed is much quicker and easier than most people think it will be. Since the solar panels are all pre-made and ready to be installed it can often be done in just a few hours. Whether they will be mounted on the rooftop of a house or perhaps that of the garage, or off to the side of the pool, they just need to be securely mounted and hooked up to the water pump. If the solar pool panels are mounted in a place which not close to the pump, the water tubes need to be buried or protected as well but that's a simple job that won't take too long either!

4. Add value to the pool and the home Installing solar pool panels is a great way to add additional value to the house and the pool. In the event that the home is sold in the future people will love the fact that it comes with a solar powered pool heater. This virtually eliminates the concern many people have when buying a home with a pool that it will be too expensive to run. Since they are designed to last for many years, this added value will be there no matter when the home is sold.

Bottom Line Solar panels are not only a great way to get extra use and value from the pool while saving money but are a great investment into the home. Few things can provide the ongoing cost savings and higher home resell value while also improving the day to day use of the home like solar pool panels.

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Why Use Shelves In Your Self Storage Unit

When it comes storing personal items whether at home or in a self storage facility, organizing your stuff is very important. This will keep things in order and in the right places to make it easy for you to retrieve items when you need to.

Regardless of the volume of items you're keeping in a rental unit, some essential tools that will be most helpful to you are the shelves. You may have a sufficient floor space on where to place your personal belongings but without proper planning, you may later find that the area is not enough. The most important thing to do then is to think about how best to fill up a three-dimensional space.

Don't just consider the width of the area but also its height. Normally, a self storage unit is about eight to 10 feet tall. As such, you have the opportunity to utilize shelves so that you can make use of the space going up.

There are many benefits to shelving your items. Did you know that with shelving, you can increase your storage space by 15 percent? This is very possible and it even helps you stick on your budget as you no longer have to rent a large space.

Another advantage of shelving is you can avoid damaging your valuable possessions such as glassware and other delicate items. Damages often occur when boxes are being stacked one over the other. This is the case when the heavy boxes are placed on top instead of putting them on the ground.

Fast and easy access to items is also a great benefit of using shelves. If you're storing documents and other stuff that you need to frequently check, then having shelves inside your rental unit is most ideal. This way, you won't have to use a chair or ladder to get to that box you need or put down one or more boxes first to get down to that particular box. It saves you time and effort.

Using shelves is also good for your health, particularly your posture. Instead of stooping down and lifting boxes to get your needed items, you can store heavier boxes near waist level.

If you have a lot of things to store, maximizing the use of your vertical space is strongly recommended. Don't forget to label your boxes to ensure that you can easily find what you're looking for.

Proper positioning of the shelves is as vital. You can put them against every wall and in the center with enough space for a passageway. Or you can always put them on just one side of the unit if you'll be storing a mixture of items that include furniture and other bulky home decors and accessories.

Just keep in mind that in order to make your shelves last, avoid putting very heavy boxes on them. They're not meant for furniture, bicycles, books or vinyl records.

Shelves can accommodate only lighter boxes that contain clothes, bed linen, cushions, toys, shoes, ornaments, kitchenware, paintings, sports gear and lamps.

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General Practitioner Lawyer Vs Focused Practice Lawyer

Often times when young lawyers contact me about starting a law practice. I always ask them what type of law will your firm focus on? Usually the response is, my practice will be a general practice where I will do multiple things.

In my opinion it is best to have a specific area of law you focus on versus dabbling in several things areas. Not only will it help the attorney become more proficient in a particular area of law, but it also can help save you from future malpractice suits if you screw up on something you're not familiar with. Below are the most important reasons to focus on one particular area of law versus multiple areas or having a general practice.

Become an expert: I don't know about you, but I cannot possibly learn every area of the law. Including all case law, statutes, precedent, procedures, legal treatises, etc. The law encompasses everything in our daily lives. There is no way that a person can possibly learn all of it. What an attorney can do is become an expert in a particular area. They can focus all their energy in one area of the law. They can become familiar and know every applicable case, statute, precedent, and legal doctrine involving this particular area of law.

Save money on malpractice insurance: There is a reason malpractice insurance increases when an attorney practices in multiple areas of the law. Insurance companies recognize most lawyers cannot possibly understand everything. Therefore if an attorney practices in multiple areas of the law, they have a higher risk of messing up due to their unfamiliarity with a particular area. Thus a malpractice suit is more likely. When getting malpractice insurance if an attorney only practices in criminal defense, then their policy will be much less expensive then an attorney that does family law, criminal law, personal injury, etc.

More money: I personally believe that if an attorney focuses on one area of law then they will make more money. Think about it. If you become proficient in this area of law. You build your practice and reputation in this one area of law. If you're known as an expert and a great attorney in this area of law. Then word will spread and more clients will come your way. But if area spread out, your name doesn't get out there, you're not proficient in one area but competent in several areas. Nobody will know who you are and you will have a more difficult time getting clients.

Overall this is just my personal opinion. Obviously there are attorneys out there who are very successful practicing in multiple areas. But in today's day and age where the legal field is completely saturated, why not focus on one area and build your practice from there rather than in multiple areas.

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Tips on Buying a Lawn Mower Battery

People who live in big houses always want to make everything look as perfect as possible. You cannot just bother about the interiors but you also need to make sure that the exterior is beautiful. An individual house always has a yard and this yard needs a lot of maintenance. You can't just let the lawn grow because you don't have the time to trim it from time to time. Hiring a gardener can be expensive and it will just add to your expenses. You can make use of a lawn mower to trim the lawn without having to hire a gardener. The ones that run on gasoline and electricity are very noisy and you may end up disturbing your neighbors. It is quite a nuisance to use these. The better alternative is to use the ones that run on a battery. They are less noisy and more convenient to use. Make sure that you buy a robust one because you may have to use it on a regular basis. Before buying one you need to make sure that the battery is readily available in the market.

The battery operated ones are a lot more convenient because they don't have to be connected to a plug. You can use it for smaller lawns and it is also very environment friendly. You should consider buying the rechargeable lawn mower battery, as it will last you longer. You will even be spending less on these. They can be recycled after use. You can buy these in the traditional market. If you want to eliminate the store front hassle then you should consider buying these online. You can buy one that is suitable for the lawn mower you own. Before you buy it make sure that it is of good quality. Even if it is of very good quality it shouldn't cost you much. You should buy one that falls within your budget.

Before buying these online you should get your research don't thoroughly. You should check the features and the battery life. you need to buy it from a reliable seller and reading the customer review will help you figure out if the merchant is reliable or not.

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Triumph Motorbike Insurance - What You Need To Know

When it comes to owning a motor vehicle, it is important for you to have the proper insurance coverage. This is essential regardless of the type of vehicle you own as it ensures the protection of everyone concerned. Take the Triumph motorbike insurance for example. This particular bike brand has been around for many years. It has been known to produce fine quality bikes that most aficionados have taken pride of owning.

If you need Triumph motorbike insurance, there are a few things that you would like or should need to know. First, you should not need to worry about where you could obtain this kind of service. Many insurance providers offer great coverage that will be suitable to your needs and your budget. The fact remains that it is a law requirement to obtain the proper insurance coverage for your motorbike. It is an immediate motoring offense if you travel on your bike without availing of coverage first. However, if you have recently acquired the bike, you do not have to worry about the downtime that it would cost you before you get coverage. The moment that you are able to settle your premium payment, you will get immediate coverage according to your chosen plan. You will be immediately subject to the laws governing liabilities on the road, personal property and other factors. Remember that this rule is meant to provide and enforce safety and security to all concerned.

One other thing that most motorbike aficionados wonder about is the idea of having multiple motorbikes covered under one insurance policy. If you are among these individuals, you can opt for a service provider that offers this kind of feature. Apart from your Triumph motorbike insurance, you can also get coverage for other bikes that you own - even when they are not of the same brand. One advantage that most vehicle and motorbike owners see is the opportunity to gain discounts for insuring more than a single unit with the insurance provider.

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